Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Analisa Kinerja Proyek Infrastruktur Lapangan Upacara Dikabupaten OKU dengan Metode Earned Value

Analisa Kinerja Proyek Infrastruktur Lapangan Upacara Dikabupaten OKU dengan Metode Earned Value
Oleh: Marinda Gusti Akhiria  

Basically, the project has three main objectives, namely budget, schedule and quality. To see whether the performance of the project in accordance with the objectives, need to be scrutinized budgets, schedules and quality. The budget is usually observed in terms of cost, schedule observed in terms of time, while the observed quality in terms of cost and time performance. Performance in the implementation of construction projects generally consist of three (3) basic steps, namely: 1) establishing performance standards in the form of budgeted costs to schedule, 2) measure the performance of the standard, by comparing actual performasi performance standards. Comparing the results of the work and expense with schedule and costs have been planned, and 3) corrective actions in case of deviation from the standards that have been set. By using the concept of Earned Value, in terms of cost, the cost is less than biayayang planned, in terms of the time the work is completed later than the time specified. Keywords: Performance, project objectives, the concept of Earned Value 

Agar proyek dapat terlaksana sesuai dengan sasaran, maka perlu diperhatikan kinerja dari proyek tersebut. Untuk melihat apakah kinerja proyek telah sesuai dengan sasaran, perlu diamati anggaran, jadwal dan mutu. Anggaran biasanya diamati dari segi biaya, jadwal diamati dari segi waktu, sedangkan mutu diamati dari segi kinerja biaya dan waktu. Kadang-kadang, dalam pelaksanaan suatu proyek, pihak kontraktor kurang memperhatikan kinerja pelaksanaan proyek. Padahal kinerja pelaksanaan suatu proyek akan menentukan apakah proyek tersebut akan tepat sasaran atau tidak. Kondisi pelaksanaan pembangunan infrastruktur lapangan upacara di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu tersebut, menunjukkan salah satu contoh kinerja pelaksanaan yang belum mencapai sasaran proyek. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian guna melihat sejauh mana kinerja pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan lapangan upacara di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu ditinjau dari segi anggaran, jadwal dan mutu.

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